Top 5 Timelapse Accessories

Hey guys! Welcome back, I hope you are doing well! 

So, in the last 10 years of making timelapse professionally, I realised that there are at least  5 accessories that I always use to help get my timelapse as perfect as possible and today I want to share with you what these accessories are.

So first accessory, a Lens Skirt, this is essential if you want to shoot from inside a building with windows, as it cuts all the ugly reflections you will normally get from lights on the windows, It saved my timelapse so many times.

The Second accessory, a Clamp, I think I lost count on how many times this thing covered my ass! 

Particularly If you are in a city, it is possible that security or police will ask you permission to use a tripod, but if you have a clamp none cares! I don’t know why! 

It is very useful also in situations where you have a floor that moves when people are near you.

I use the Manfrotto Super Clamp with a ball head, and it can handle a 15kg weight.

Another important accessory is a Lens Support I use it when I want to make a timelapse with a long lens and when there is a bit of wind. It helps a lot to stabilise the camera while shooting. I use two types of lens support, this one from Neewer and this one from SliderKamera, which is a bit expensive, but it can save your day. 

The Neewer in my experience is very good with a wind breeze and up to 200mm, if you are shooting with a 400mm then the SliderKamera Dual Support is much more stable. 

The fourth accessory I use it when shooting Astro Timelapse or sunrise in a cold and humid environment is a Lens Heater, this will prevent moisture to form on your lens that can ruin the timelapse, 

there are tons out there now, powered with USB or just a cover lens with pockets where you can put a hand heater. 

I use this one which has pockets, but before, I was using a sock with a hand heater inside and rubber bands holding it around the lens. I have to say it worked very well! 

And last but not least a Sensor Cleaning Kit, dust spots on a timelapse sometimes are so hard to remove in post-production and the best way to avoid them is to keep your sensor clean! 

I used to send the camera to be cleaned professionally, but since I found this kit I self-cleaning my sensor and saved so much money! But if you are not comfortable cleaning it yourself, send it to someone. 

And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this video and find it helpful, let me know in the comment what are the 5 accessories that you normally use, I am very curious to read them and maybe discover something new!  

Don't forget to say hi on my Instagram Account and subscribe to my YouTube channel!       

I'll see you in the next one! 

Thanks for reading! 


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